Statutory Information

Statutory Information



Northumberland Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), Northumberland

Northumberland PRU is part of the local authority education department of Northumberland County Council within the North East of England.



Northumberland PRU Governanance

Headteacher: Mr R Carr

Chair of the Management Committee: Mr G Reiter

Vice-Chair of the Management Committee: Currently vacant



Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher: Mr R Carr

Deputy Headteacher: Mr R Waters

Behaviour & Inclusion Manager/Support Services Manager/Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs K Ayre



Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

SENDCO: Miss H Moore



School or college contact details

Northumberland Pupil Referral Unit

 Pitt Lane, Front St, Seghill, Cramlington, NE23 7EB

Telephone: 01670 514963



 Named contact: Miss Georgia Hall, Business Admin Support/PA to the Headteacher 





Admission to the school

Northumberland PRU currently has a PAN of 60 students.  As of September 2022, admission to the PRU is only made via Northumberland Council Education Authority panel.



Ofsted Reports

Ofsted last visited Northumberland PRU in February 2020. The PRU was judged to be 'Good' by the inspectorate. A copy of the report can be found by selecting the ‘Ofsted’ tab on the main website.



Exams & Assessment Results

Northumberland PRU successfully registered as an assessment centre with JCQ for academic qualifications in April 2023.  First fully accredited academic outcomes will be received in summer 2025 with our first Year 11 cohort. 



Remote education

Please see a copy of our remote education offer overview by selecting the 'Home Schooling Resources' option from the PRU website.



Behaviour Policy 

Please see a copy of our Behaviour policy on our policy page.



Pupil Premium

Please see a copy of our Pupil Premium document on our Pupil Premium page.


Equality objectives
Please see a copy of our Equalities and Diversity policy on our policy page.



Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Please see our SEND Information Report on our SEND page.




Please see a copy of our Careers approach and strategy on our Careers/CEIAG page.



Complaints Policy

Please see a copy of our Complaints policy on our policy page.



Charging and remissions policy

Please see a copy of our Charging and remissions policy on our policy page. 



Values and ethos

Please see our Values and ethos on our Vision and values page.




Copies of all parts of this website and policies can be requested by contacting the front office.