Curriculum Impact

Curriculum Rationale 2024-25




The primary measure of the impact of our curriculum will be student achievement and attainment. Our assessment policy contains the detail of how we assess pupils. We will further evaluate the impact of our curriculum in the following ways:



Impact Measurement

Engage all students in learning



Observations of learning

Student voice


Individual student reviews

Weekly journal reviews

Daily mentor time reviews

Scaling and IBP analysis

Engagement scales



Enable all students to make progress from their individual starting points, and to have successes in learning

Analysis of pupil progress data

Qualitative data on pupil progress eg book scrutiny



Support all pupils to lead healthy and safe lifestyles

Observations of learning in PSHE lessons Student voice

Analysis of behaviour data

Personal Development curriculum

Literacy outcomes

Individual student reviews



Support all pupils to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that will enable them to reintegrate to, and be successful in a mainstream school

Number of students successfully reintegrated to the next phase of their education 




Our main aim is to re-engage learners with education and narrow the gap in attainment in line with their peers. We therefore provide extensive out of class learning opportunities and real life applications of skills and knowledge.  There has been a shift in focus from simply looking at data. We triangulate academic data together with attendance, RRS (now Emotional Literacy) and behaviour.


Teachers provide effective and immediate verbal feedback throughout lessons to check, consolidate and progress learning. This is achieved through the high staff to pupil ratios within classes and promotes positive and relevant discussion between staff and pupil regarding their work. Our ethos is that this immediate feedback is the most effective tool in supporting progress and impact. To support teachers, there has been training on Blooms taxonomy the lesson plenary to elicit important information. Learning points are also utilised to enhance our feedback (see marking policy).


Our marking policy clearly emphasises the importance of self-assessment and reflection to show impact of learning. Pupils are able to communicate with their teacher about not only the academic but their self-esteem and confidence.  Starter activities of every lesson consistently provide opportunities for pupils to remember previous learning and also allow teachers to check retention of information.  Photo evidence is also gathered as a means of measuring engagement and progress as many tasks are not in written form.


We measure and evaluate progress in a range of ways including; improved RRS scores (Emotional Literacy), time spent in lessons, reduction in behavioural incidents, academic summative and formative assessments. Teachers track progress using their professional judgement against academic objectives that relate to their stages of development as well as age related expectations. Data is collected half termly for all curriculum subjects to assist with assessment.


The impact of our curriculum offer is evident through pupil’s reengagement and enjoyment for learning. Pupils are prepared for the next stage in their educational journey and effectively transition into their subsequent educational provision.