Safeguarding & Child Protection


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Karen Ayre


Child Protection & Safeguarding Policies

Northumberland PRU takes safeguarding very seriously. Our school ensures that safeguarding is a key priority in all aspects of PRU life, and that safeguarding is a key part of our curriculum content. We see safeguarding as being the responsibility of all members of our school community.

Safeguarding Designated Persons at Northumberland PRU
  • Rachel Collins
  • Richie Waters
  • Kelly Green
  • Lily Phelan
Looked after Children Lead at Northumberland PRU
  • Designated LAC co-ordinator - Richie Waters (Deputy Headteacher)


Local Contacts

Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) – The Children and Young People’s Service provides a single service to all children and young people aged 0-18 years living in Newcastle and Gateshead who present with mental health difficulties (01670 502 700).


Streetwise – Free and Confidential Advice, Counselling, Sexual Health and Support Services for Young People aged 11-2 (0191 230 5400).

Kooth – Online Mental Wellbeing Community –

Humankind Charity – Friendly practical support around Sexuality or Gender (01325 731160).

Children North East – We work with children and young people in their families, schools and communities to ensure they grow up to be healthy and happy (0191 273 3997).

Northumberland Carers – Support anyone under 18 who looks after a parent, sibling or grand-parent who may have a disability, serious illness, a mental health issue or an alcohol, drug or substance problem (01670 320 025).