Management Committee

The Management Committee of Northumberland PRU has the same role and powers as a Governing Body. You can read an annual statement from the Management Committee describing some of their work below.


Northumberland Pupil Referral Unit is Northumberland County Council’s Pupil Referral Unit.  At Northumberland PRU pupils matter, every minute of every day.  We aim to make every day as good day for our pupils and we guarantee that everyone who requires help and support help will receive it.  We offer quality first education full of exciting learning and experiences so that pupils can go on to lead healthy, happy and successful lives.  We have the highest expectations of our pupils because we believe that anything is possible with the right help, guidance and support.  We also aim to make things better for pupils experiencing difficulties in other schools in Northumberland.


Northumberland Pupil Referral Unit Management Committee Members


The PRU is an Alternative Provision and is constituted quite differently to a maintained school.  The Governing Board is called a Pupil Referral Unit Management Committee (not a Local Governing Committee) and the members are termed as Managers.




Within the Northumberland Pupil Referral Unit we have agreed that the Management Committee of the school will have the following members:

  • 1 x Parent members

  • 2 x LA Members

  • 2 x Staff (must include the Headteacher)

  • 6 x Community Managers

    Total: 11 Managers.


With the exception of the Headteacher and staff members, all members of the Management Committee are volunteers although they may claim expenses under certain circumstances.


We publish profiles of each of our Management Committee members below.


The terms of office of all members are as follows:

It is specified in Instrument of Government that-

  • Community Managers have a 2-year term of office
  • Parent members have a a 2-year term of office
  • LA Managers can have a 4-year term of office
  • If you wish to contact the Chair of the Management Committee, please email Northumberland PRU admin team on

  • Mr Graham Reiter

    Chair of Management Committee

    Appointed - 1st September 2019
    Term runs until - 31st August 2023

  • Mr Steve Gibson

    Member of Management Committee

  • Mr Guy Renner-Thompson

    Member of Management Committee

  • Mr Russ Atkinson

    Member of the Management Committee

  • Mrs Kim Irving

    Member of the Management Committee

  • Mr Alan Rodgers

    Member of the Management Committee

  • Mr Sam Walton

    Member of the Management Committee

  • Mrs Sue Ingledew

    Staff representative Member of Management Committee

  • Mr Richard Carr

    Headteacher/Member of Management Committee

  • Ms Mary Bell

    Parent representative of Management Committee

  • Parent representative of Management Committee


Management Committee Meetings


Membership and role

The Management committee is made up of 11 members. Observers can also be invited to attend meetings.



The local governing committee usually meets three times each year: two in the Autumn term and one each in the Spring and Summer terms.

We publish our meeting dates for the current school year below.

We publish information about attendance at meetings for the previous school year below.


Meeting dates

Local governing committee (LGC) meetings for 2022-23 are:

Thursday 13th October 2022

Thursday 8th December 2022

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Thursday 6th July 2023


Attendance at local governing committee meetings


The attendance of local governors at meetings in 2022-23 can be found by clicking on the link below.